Injector Dynamics ID1700 Fit Bosch Holden Commodore E-HSV W427 Fuel 1700cc/min 8. This product data sheet is originally written in English. Injector Dynamics Direct Warehouse Distributor – All ID Products Available! NEW Injector Dynamics 1700cc Fuel Injectors. These injectors are IN STOCK, on our shelves. The ID1700 is the most recent offering from the partnership of Injector Dynamics and Bosch Motorsport. The ID1700 was designed to fill the gap between the ID1300 and the ID2000, and like the ID1300, it features corrosion resistant internals making it compatible with all known automotive fuels. A unique magnetic circuit, resulting from a lengthy development program, makes the ID1700 immune to voltage and pressure sensitivity problems that plague other high impedance high flow injectors. The ID1700 excels at high pressures typical of current automotive systems, and will perform flawlessly in these applications. After nearly two years of development totaling 18 different iterations, Injector Dynamics is proud to release the ID1700, a true Motorsport injector from the unique partnership of Injector Dynamics and Bosch Motorsport. The ID1700 was designed to be an all fuel compatible injector, capable of very high flow rates. As such, it will most often be used to deliver E85 to boosted engines, or occasionally, gasoline in extreme high horsepower applications. Neither of these applications requires extended linearity at low flow rates, and so this was given a proportionately lower priority during the design process. The ID1700 will deliver flawless stoichiometric idle and cruise mixtures on E85, but like the ID2000, should not be expected to do so on gasoline. If you need flawless drivability on gasoline, the ID1300 will provide this, and is capable of approximately 150hp per injector on E85. These Injector Dynamics fuel injectors will fit many applications, including, but not limited to: Holden Commodore E-HSV LS3 Holden Commodore W427 LS7. Pressure data and tuning data for EFI Live and HP Tuners are available upon request. The ID1700 is not the same injector as the Bosch 0 280 158 333 or the 0 280 158 334 that Bosch Aftermarket released earlier this year. The 333 and 334 are identical, with the exception of the ASNU2000 label on the 334. Our tests show 1550cc/min, and Bosch has confirmed that these numbers are within specification. The 333/334 quickly received a bad name in the market due to unrealistic claims about idle and driveability on gasoline, and its ability to operate at high pressure. Because of these unrealistic claims, disappointed customers have taken to the internet to voice their opinion. This is bad for the Bosch name, which Injector Dynamics is committed to protecting, and bad for the entire market because potential customers are then rightly skeptical about claims made by any company. It is critical that the capabilities of the ID1700 be presented accurately and truthfully. This is a cornerstone of the Injector Dynamics philosophy, one of many reasons that Injector Dynamics products are well received, and in demand. All high performance injectors will require ECU tuning for proper performance. We have injectors to fit almost every performance application! We do not lower invoice values since it is a violation of US and International custom laws. Let us work to resolve your problem so everyone is happy. TREperformance 1725 Monrovia Ave. Suite D7 Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Because of these unrealistic claims, disappointed customers have taken to the internet to voice t. ZL1 LSA LSX LS2 ZR1 Z06 LS9 C6 L76. 1700. Verify Flow Rate is what you need.